About Wedding Live Band
Music is the strongest form of magic.
Frank Zappa
Wedding Live Band Performance
3 Hours Performance
/ 樂器配搭可作適度調配
/ 提早預訂可享折扣優惠
/ 可免費指定演奏額外心水歌曲5首
/ 不足3小時也當3小時計算
/ 預訂後,可免費獲取曲目表
/ 以上live band package價錢已包括音響器材套餐B、樂器及音響器材來回運送
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.
Eunice & Raymond
Mike & Vera唱得好出色。 ❣️
Stephanie & Henry
A band which had brought us a gorgeous and excellent performance in my banquet, all feedback from my guest are positive and thank you Dickson and your fabulous band sound again which bought us a wonderful and memorable night!
Matthew Leung
Deeply thanks for your team to bring a professional performance in our 20th Graduation Dinner, all guests were intoxicated in your music, it was fantastic and unforgettable night, especially thanks for Yuki and Vera, you made the night different and brought a lot of memories to all of us : ) 十分感謝您們每位精彩演出,使我們20年少聚的同學有一個難忘的晚上。
Kary & Roy
Thank you for the Band which has made an excellent performance in the banquet! We have heard a lot of positive feedbacks from our guests of the outstanding performance !